Turning the Lights back on

Its been ages since I’ve done anything with this site, except tinker settings and fix links. been far too long, I remember when this site was my escape and high point in the day, not a forgotten memory

removing dust covers

So here I am, trying to get this site back up and running. Lots of changes and fixes coming, old content coming back and finish off long lost and forgotten drafts I hope

bringing HyperionBase back online

I’m not gonna write a long winded post of plans, just going to keep this simple. I’ll spend a little time every few days working on something or fixing something on this site or relating to it and little by little it’ll become what I want it to be. A hub for my time off, gaming and fun to share with others.


No, not making a list or a plan. just gonna do it.


keeping it simple this time.

There’s a lot to do

indeed there is, and there will be changes to old, lost and new content with more to come.